The Myrtle Avenue Business Improvement District has worked in collaboration with the NYC DOT Plaza Program to create neighborhood plazas throughout the BID. The goal of the NYC Plaza Program is to transform underused streets into vibrant, social public spaces for the benefit of residents, visitors, and businesses in the district. The NYC Plaza Program funds a total of 73 plazas throughout NYC, and the Myrtle Avenue BID maintains a total of four plazas within our district.
The Horticultural Society provides landscaping services and ongoing maintenance of our plazas. They work along with the BID’s partner, StreetPlus Company, to ensure a clean and pleasant environment in our plazas.
The Myrtle Avenue BID will continue to host a variety of events at the 71st Avenue Plaza and the Ridgewood Veteran’s Triangle throughout the year. Please see our events calendar for upcoming events at our Plazas. Please note that Venditti Square/Plaza will be closed until 2023 due to the Ridgewood Tower Project. For details about each of our plazas, please visit the links below.